Saturday, May 16

My second trip to Alaska - Day 1

May 10,11,12 2003
- Day 1

Me, Nara, Das, Jerry had all got our papers accepted into SNPA (sensor networks protocols and applications conference) 2003 being held in Anchorage. Consequently all of us rented an SUV and had quite a lot of fun together. This was my second time to Alaska and some idea of the various places to see. We arrived in Anchorage on May 10th evening - the paper presentations were on the next day.

Anchorage is a quaint city surrounded by beautiful snow capped mountains and during this time of the year, sun sets pretty late here (between 10 ad 10:30 P.M). There was a sense of excitement in all of us and we were quite restless to explore one of the most beautiful lands on Earth.

The conference was being held at the Anchorage Convention center which is located in Anchorage downtown. Our hotel was located at about 10 to 15 minutes walk from the Convention Center.

On the 11th almost of the day was spent in the conference. On the 12th we decided to explore places close to Anchorage. We first went to Resolution Park, not too far from our hotel on Anchorage. The Resolution park has a statue of Captain Cook that commemorates the 200th anniversary of his explorations on this area on his third and final voyage. That's Jerry, Das and my standing in front of the Captain Cook Monument. We walked arund the park area for sometime enjoying the views and taking photos.

After spending sometime on the area we decided to drive to Portage Glacier which is about an hours drive south east of Anchorage. We took AK-1 and then turned on to the Portage Glacier road. The dirve to Portage Galcier was amazing with some fabulous views. A rail-road and a river and some picturusque snow-capped mountains accompanied our drive along the way.

When we reached the Portage Glacier, we were the only ones there. There is a small trail that leads one up to the trail entrance. We parked out SUV right beside the trail and started to walked along the trail to reach the Glacier. There was a beautiful stream passing by us along the trail and so I had to get my feet wet in it.

The view from the trail are simply breathtaking with the snow capped mountains and the stream flowing. It feels as though you have entered a paradise. You stand in awe realizing that the most beautiful paintings ever made have been made by god.

After walking for about 15 minites we reached the foot of the glacier where it meets the water. To describe the beauty of the the Portage glacier area in words would be a sacrilage. I had never seen a place so beautiful in my life before. Once you come here you do not want to leave.

The water was full of large floating ice pieces. had to get into the water. Thats me trying to lift an ice-piece. Yes the water was freeeeeeezing cold but if you know me long enough, you will know that I find water irresitable. Naturally, I had to get into the water and this is byfar the coldest water I have gotten into in my life. For the first few seconds it felt as thought a tousand needles were pricking my feet and then they went numb. Yet it was all worth it!

The ice here has a hauntingly beautiful greenish blue color to it and it looks like nothing I had seen before. The blue color comes because ice that is thick enough absorbs red wavelengths actually and only lets blue light out. In fact, experienced mountain climbers know that when the ice is pure, long hard it will have a greenish blue tint and is safe to step on.

We walked up to the glacier and spend a long time having fun in the snow in the glacier. The Glacier often moves too slowly to perceive. It was quite a lot of fun walking on the Glacier. We had a lot of fun making snowballs and hurling at each other - a moral imperative upon seeing so much snow.
We spent almost the entire day here and had a lot of fun.

On our travel back to anchorage the sun was getting ready to set and the evening colors in the red hues and their reflections on the water were giving a new meaning to the word pristine. After reaching Anchorage we found a Chineese restaurant and had our dinner there.

After its long day, the sun set between 10:30 and 11:00 P.M marking the end to our first day of exploring Alaska.

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