Wednesday, September 27

US Road Trip - day 5

Oct 11, 2005

I started from Rahul's place to drive to Boston at 6:00 A.M. I decided to take 95N through Connecticut, Rhode Island into Massachussets. Its probably not the fastest way to boston but surely a good choise to increase my state count. I reached Boston in the afternoon and called up Meeta. Meeta lived in Harvard campus with Shivangshu. I tried to drive around Boston with the Rand Mcnally map but it turned out to be quite hard. I got lost but nevertheless saw a lot of Boston in the process. I really liked Boston, especially the downtown streets. Its a really quaint town. I drove past MIT. Found an Indian restaurant and had food there. I called up meeta and she was busy in a class at that time. I got myself a map and decided to explore Boston a bit more.

After driving sometime I ended up near a park called Boston Common. It was a nice place. I walked around in the park and spent a few hours until Meeta's classes were over. There was some really nice sculpture here. I really liked the sculpture with tired horses and soldiers. I am not sure of its real meaning but seemed to send the message of futility of wars to the general observer.

Eventaully I made to Meeta's place and met her. It felt very nice meeting her after such a long time. Shivangshu's classes had kept him very very busy. He was completely worn out and fell asleep while we were talking. We let him sleep and went out for a brisk walk around the Harvard campus. It was raining a bit.

After spending sometime at Meeta's I drove over to MV's place. Highway patrol used civil cars in Boston so you do not know whether the car behind you is a cop car. Sneaky means to catch speeders I would say. MV warned me of that and so I was careful. Apparantly the local folk become careful and slow down upon seeing any lincoln mercury. Had maggi at MV's place and after chatting for sometime we slept. I got up and left early in the morning towards Philadelphia - to visit see my old Alma Mater.

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