Wednesday, April 25

remembering our first days together long before you were my wife

I still remember the tram-stand where we met for the first time,
Our three sentence conversation and your enthusiasm lingered,
I still remember catching sight of you in the tram the second time,
"Whats wrong with you, you just met her once.." I had to tell myself,
I still remember bumping into you near the library the third time,
oooh that smile... and you in that yellow dress - Yes, I couldn't help saying it,
"you are radiating beauty in that dress."
Since then you occupied my thoughts - not entirely but almost.
I sent you a mail... and waited... and waited... no response...
After a week of torture, sent one again, wondering if I had the right email address.
You responded! and we fixed a meeting place - the USC cafteria.
I was excited and nervous - what did that mean?
I caught sight of you in the cafteria - with Annie!! Ouch I thought,
Looks like there are miles to tread.
But soon Annie left and we had our first walk together... the evening had to end

I called you every morning... thought of you 80% of the waking day,
and wondered if you felt the same as I do...
I remember each time I saw you talking to all those other guys, I thought,
"She's so popular, I don''t stand a chance..."

I still remember our first date (or so I thought it was),
when I brought you flowers and drove by in my car,
we had dinner and a walk in sparkling Westwood,
you sang songs that drove right through my heart and that night,
I finally knew I was I in love.

I remember those long drives we went on the PCH,
those time when we laughed together,
and fought bitterly over small things.
I remember our long discussions about whats really important in life,
I remember how I struggled to understand the poems you wrote and dissapointed you initially,
I remember how you slept when I tried teaching you calculas and I felt sad,
yes and finally you got used to me and I to you...
and I cherish every moment I spent with you all these days,

Three years later you are now my wife... and in newyork on your birthday,
while I write this missing you every moment across the continent in the silicon valley,
I wonder,
What was so important that things could not wait,
What was so important that they would not let you spend time with me,
Indeed corporate life is mean and relentless - all about keeping schedules...
always in a hurry not waiting to relish all those things that are beautiful in life.
Its 9:30 now and I have to go... for there are meetings to attend and work to be done,

love you ... miss you and wish you were here beside me,
wish you a very very happy birthday.

1 comment:

Shakespeare's Sister said...

My darling, dearest, most beloved Krishna - I consider myself so blessed to have found someone like you. You are the most passionate, sincere, honest, sweet and wonderful man in the world, and I can't tell you how much I love you. Being your wife reminds me every day of how beautiful life is, and that no matter how the world changes, and no matter where we are, I can always, always find my home at your side.