Sunday, August 1

Friends in Los Angeles

USC has a large Indian student population and it felt exactly like home. We had frequent potluks almost every week and it was a lot of fun. This photo is a Potluk in Meeta's house.

Arvind, Debo, Sameer and Santosh all of us were in the same Lab and Ashish used to work in a room close to ours. We had frequent movie outings, poluks and late night gossip sessions. Thats me attempting to make dosas from a ready made dosa mix. Thats all of sleeping after the dosa dinner.

This is the first car I rented in LA and drove to the temple with Meeta. Thats me and Shanti my Nachos project partner in front of the Tommy Trojan.

This photo is all my neighbors and I having a potluk.

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