Monday, August 9

Hike to Sturtuvent Falls

Angles crest national forest has several very nice hiking trails. I had a book of hiking trails and we picked up a trail with a waterfall in it - Sturtuvent water falls. It was a very flat hike, intended to be more fun than exersize. By the time we reached the trailhead it was about 10:00 in the morning and it wasn't too hot. The hike turned out to be very pleasant.

After about an hour and half worth of fun hiking we reached the water falls. It was not the season for the falls and the falls had almost dried up. The water was nice and cool and seemed quite irresistable after the hike. Naturally we got into the water.

Amol and I went all the way to water and got eventually ourselves entirely wet. I had cooked some lunch early in the morning before the hike and so we had a nice delicious lunch.

Sidhu perched himslef up on a tree and had his lunch in peace.

After spending some time here we hiked back singing songs along the way.

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