Saturday, August 7

Trip to Golconda Fort

I had never been to Golconda fort before, so all three of us decided to go to Golconda fort after the grihapravesham. We woke up early in the morning. I helped mummy make Kobbarikaya pacchadi by grating the coconut. and Nannagaru drove us to Golconda fort. Thats sunrise from our house window (now there is a tall building blocking the view) The fort is west of hyderabad and not too far.

The fort was built in the 13th century by Mohammed Quali Qutub Shah and immense.

We spent about two hours walking through the ruins of the fort and aboslutely loved it. keep wondering how things must have been then in the fort, the hustle bustle and the grandeur.

There were quite a few steps to climb to reach the top of the fort but the view was amazing and totally worth it. We could see for miles around and there was a wall surrounding the fort all around to watch out for enemies and intruders.

Mummy made some sketches here are attracted quite a few onlookers. Over all it was a fun trip and in the evening there was a light and sounds show. After the show we returned home late in the night.

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