Sunday, August 8

Trip to Lake Tahoe with Ugadhi Group

On Labor day weekend some of us in the Yugadhi group decided to go to lake Tahoe. We were nine of us and so booked a large cabin at Lake Tahoe for two nights. We rented two cars and had two drivers including me, one for each car. We started very early in the morning took 5N and 50E to lake Tahoe. We reached our lodge by the evening.

We were all hungry. All of got together and cooked food for the evening. Within an hour we had quite a large spread on the table and had a sumptuos meal.

After having food we decided to drive to Reno and try our luck. Reno was not busy at this time of the year. We walked around a few casinos. Some of us tried a bit of gambling without an spectacular success. At several places we stopped to look at the reflection of the moon in Lake Tahoe. By the time we returned it was quite late in the night. We had a fire place which we lit and after some gossiping around the fire we slept like logs.

Next day we woke up late in the morning and set of to see lake tahoe. We had a lot of fun with the water sports, including Kayaking, water scooting etc. We then spent a lot of time at the beaches.

We tried several beaches out and were beach hopping until sunset. The sunsets at the beach were quite spectacular with the snow capped mountains in the background.

The next day morning we started back to Los Angeles. On the way we stopped at several places and took photographs. There was a place with a stream passing by and so we all got down and started to build a bridge with stones in it. The water was very cold, but we were nuts enough to get into it and build a bridge. Overall we had a funfilled and quite memorable trip to Lake Tahoe.

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